Saturday, October 16, 2010

Whisper hello, I missed you quite terribly.

Hey blogfriends!

So, it's been awhile.

Let me update you.

I graduated TBI. Yes, that's right. And happy to be home!
Overjoyed, actually. But I do miss TBI.

I worked ALL summer. Still working at the same place and it's great! Love my co-workers.

I'm back at Howard Payne. Woot Woot!!
Declared a major. A double major. English and Psychology. But those might change. Who knows?

I am now ENGAGED. mmhm. You heard right. September 12th ladies and gents! And I'm so proud of my Trey. Trey Valencia. That's right girls. I got me a good one!

Trey is every synonym for wonderful.

This is also my favorite picture of him. It's a little old. But, still my favorite. He's a wonderful man of God and I'm happiest knowing He's who God has for me!

And, if you were waiting.. or if not I was going to show you anyway..
This is our engagement day! September 12, 2010. WOW was I surprised!
He completely surprised me in front of our families and closest friends. I cried and so did a whole bunch of other people. But it was sweet!
Right now I'm back at HPU, doing BSM (Baptist Student Ministries, the Evangelism team) and loving every second of it!

AND after everything else. I cut my hair. But I don't think I have a new picture for that right now. One soon! It's actually growing out. It's that awkward stage. But who cares I'm still blessed even if my hair isn't at the moment..

Anywho. I love you all. I hope this updates all my friends from a far, far away land!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

And my heart cries out Hosanna..

So today I spent time with a good friend Kristina who's a dorm over from me. We went to town to buy things for a collage only to find out we had everything we needed back on campus. So we decided to make ourselves feel better by buying ice cream. Mint chocolate chip for Kristina and Dutch chocolate for me.

Did we need it?
Yes! Okay. Maybe no. But, who cares?

So we bought the ice cream! HOORAY!
We sat on the sidewalk in front of both our dorms and ate our ice cream and talked. Then she sat with me while I made my collage for our Womanhood 101 class. How fun, right? RIGHT!

I missed Prayer Culture tonight but only to worship with my girls over in N9!! It was so nice to get lost in the spirit and be completely led by Him. Oh, how I love Him. Thank you John Mark McMillan for that song. I love Him!!

Got back to my room to get a word from my SA Sarah. She's beautiful. Apparently, God wanted me to know that I am too. He had scripture for me and I felt led to tell the world that man's opinion NO LONGER MATTERS! I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Hello. Fearfully. I fear God and through that fear I have for him, I've been given confidence and an inner beauty that I couldn't receive from anyone or get anywhere else. I'm praising Him for the word He laid on Sarah's heart and for her to be so in tune with Him! I needed to hear those words. Like honey dripping from unseen lips. His lips. How encouraged I felt a little less than 30 minutes ago. Encouraging words to fill my heart tonight.
A hopeful conversation with Sarah.
A helpful word to light my life.
A beautiful God to give it all.

How could I be Vicky without Him? Without Him, I am nothing. Please don't think you're anything without Him. You aren't. I'm not. We aren't. Without Him, I'm just natural. But like Mrs. Rachel says "God's super, we're natural and put us together we're SUPERNATURAL!" and Oh, how I love Him!!

To all of you girls who care about what man's opinion is. DON'T! Man's opinon doesn't get us anywhere. Fleshly beauty FADES. It doesn't last and it won't get us anywhere eternally. Gain a fear of God and your inner beauty will flourish and you'll have an abundance of confidence and you'll realize just how beautiful you are and how great HIS affections are for us. His affections are all that matter. No one elses.

I love you all! You're beautiful! I think so and so does HE! :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

"When the world..

Is falling out from under me".. I have a hard time trying not to fix it myself. Yay for Brooke Fraser though. She's crazy blessed with her beautiful voice and guitar skills.

I miss being home for the simple fact that I could have a job which means having money which means going to see great people like Brooke Fraser play! HAHA, actually- I miss being home because I miss home. So I had every intention of getting up this morning to go walking with Jesus. But I noticed "ehh, my room is filthy.." and then I remembered: "I walk so much better with my iPod" and then I was like "oh man, it's dead!" and then it switched to "get out Trey's laptop and charge it" but you know that turned into "I need some new music to put on there while it's charging" and then somehow Facebook and Twitter were on my internet tabs? But now miraculously I'm here blogging. Wow ME! :)

I was about to call my sister and have her sit with me while I blog via phone but I remembered I got up at 10 to go put it in my car charging while I was outside walking. Again really? Where is my head this morning? For the time I went to sleep, I'm not even tired. I promised Jesus to spend the day with Him and I intend to keep that promise. He's with me always. But today was extra special for some reason. I dubbed it that way at 2:30 this morning before sleeping.

I always think of that Misty Edwards song not sure what the song is called but she tags it on the end of "You Won't Relent" and she sings: "I don't want to talk about you, like you're not in the room. I want to look right at you. I want to sing right to you."
Seriously Misty Edwards.
That's brilliant.

I honestly CANNOT believe it's 11:24 and I'm still laying here with this laptop!
I'm going walking :)
And shortly after will come cleaning
washing my car (if the weather gets warmer)
washing my clothes
and study (yay) :\
I love JESUS!!!

Have a good rest of the morning and love on Jesus today!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Crazy college life? No, crazy for Jesus though :)

Hello all!

My sister introduced me to this site to blog. Thanks Jo, you're a keeper! :) I love love love to talk so naturally my writing skills are pretty superb. I am Vicky Paulino and I looove Jesus! I could go on and on and if you keep up with my blog you will find that I DO! A tid bit about myself: I am consumed and on fire for Jesus! I love my precious family who I'm pretty positive love me back! I love my acoustic guitar and one day will have a fantabulous collection. I support anything Breast Cancer Awareness related! I am currently attending Texas Bible Institute where I'm learning a great deal about as Mrs. Rachel would say "a book about a father and his family".. hopefully that's right ;)

I'm 19 and am actually excited to start college back up if not in the summer then in the fall. I attended Howard Payne University for 3 semesters and put that on hold because I believe the Holy Spirit had a slight detour for me! Will be graduated and back home in May praise the Lord!

It's actually after midnight and I just got off the phone with my mom. I was showing my roommate pictures on my sisters blog and we both agreed that she's absolutely the most creative person ever! This is a long blog but it's worth reading, I have one very important thing to say!

Aaron Maners was our guest speaker for the Youth Spring Retreat this past weekend and he said something that blew my mind:

"A missionary is not someone who can cross the sea but someone who can see the cross"

Thank you Aaron Maners for making your way to Texas from Florida! You have greatly blessed us all at TBI :)

Anywho, this is where I leave! It is too late to be blogging but you'll learn fast.. I'm a talker ;_

Good night and God bless!