I'm gettin hitched! That's how we Texans say it.. But pondering wedding plans. Current issue: work out regiment. Any ideas on a fun, new work out for this bride-to-be? Sister suggested Zumba.
My love and I are kicking off the gym habit. What else is there?
Would love the feedback!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Class got canceled in the morning? Okay. I'll blog.
One of my many senior pictures. I thought I'd start all the way back from high school. I know I'm not terribly old, 20. This was 2008. Barely 3 years back. But I wanted to start back that far because anything further back is not important!
This was my graduating class at Texas Bible Institute. I gradutaed there in May of 2010. I left HPU for one semester to go where God wanted me to. I came back home and have one short year left before I graduate with a bachelor of arts in psychology and english! Exciting!
Here is a month or so after I cut my hair super short! Trey's first semester at HPU. We went on our first date in lightyears and walked downtown and took pictures, then went to dinner. It was a very fun night. One of many.
This is the night of my sisters 24th birthday, December 31st! Although this picture isn't of the lovely Jo, it is however, of my best friend Brittany. She's basically my sister, don't know what I would do without her.
So, no joke.
We are WHITE. Pale. Edward Cullen. Whatever.
It's winter, I'm thinking that's a free hall pass to get away with it.
Anywho, that's my baby. :)
Handsome, huh?
This is Friday night. We went to the youth lock-in to help out! We had an absolute blast! I wish I would've taken videos of everything but so much went on that it just didn't happen! We spent the night being silly. 20-back-to-15. Lovers of Christ. Big brother/big sister. Happy. Blessed.
I have other pictures. I just texted my sister and said, "Do you have pictures of us? I'm in the bloggin type-a mood :)". Hopefully she isn't too tired to send away!
I'll probably post again SOON! Love it! Love you all!
Tie the Knot
I am content.
OH, so content.
Listening to the audio version of Wuthering Heights (because I can't do a jillion things at once) AND researching MORE wedding ideas. I was just informed (over some yummy soup my daddy made) that he, my mom, my sister, and I will be taking a trip to AUSTIN this weekend to look at wedding dresses. Any time we are all together..
it's a riot.
a really awesome one.
I canNOT wait!!
We will have so much fun. My dad and I have currently changed our diet.
Lots of fruits and veggies and some yummy soups to boost. Really. We are getting into the wedding day groove by gettin' our 'healthy' on :) :)
I missed blogging toDAY. But I'm assuming blogging at night is just as wonderful.
It is.
I thought so.
Well, I know I don't have any followers. But I sure do love to write. Even more when I know someone, someday will be reading and thinking.. wow. She's been there.
As wonderful as planning is. It is no doubt stressful. But my friend Emily who is getting married May 21st informed me last night that I have to remember: "You are planning the best day of your life. Have fun doing it. Remember that God has put you two together and have fun planning! Don't get stressed out!"
She might not have said it word for word like that but that's how I interpreted it. She was so helpful! Much like one of my best friends Angela who, on a daily basis, says, "How are you friend?". That alone helps me remember I have friends who love me and want me to NOT get stressed!
Well. I'm still listening to Chapter 30 of Wuthering Heights. Writing. Trying to Breathe. And wondering what my other wedding color will be?
Have a wonderful night, friends.
I do love you all.
OH, so content.
Listening to the audio version of Wuthering Heights (because I can't do a jillion things at once) AND researching MORE wedding ideas. I was just informed (over some yummy soup my daddy made) that he, my mom, my sister, and I will be taking a trip to AUSTIN this weekend to look at wedding dresses. Any time we are all together..
it's a riot.
a really awesome one.
I canNOT wait!!
We will have so much fun. My dad and I have currently changed our diet.
Lots of fruits and veggies and some yummy soups to boost. Really. We are getting into the wedding day groove by gettin' our 'healthy' on :) :)
I missed blogging toDAY. But I'm assuming blogging at night is just as wonderful.
It is.
I thought so.
Well, I know I don't have any followers. But I sure do love to write. Even more when I know someone, someday will be reading and thinking.. wow. She's been there.
As wonderful as planning is. It is no doubt stressful. But my friend Emily who is getting married May 21st informed me last night that I have to remember: "You are planning the best day of your life. Have fun doing it. Remember that God has put you two together and have fun planning! Don't get stressed out!"
She might not have said it word for word like that but that's how I interpreted it. She was so helpful! Much like one of my best friends Angela who, on a daily basis, says, "How are you friend?". That alone helps me remember I have friends who love me and want me to NOT get stressed!
Well. I'm still listening to Chapter 30 of Wuthering Heights. Writing. Trying to Breathe. And wondering what my other wedding color will be?
Have a wonderful night, friends.
I do love you all.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Blogging via Nokia!
Yes, you read correctly.
This is the first time I have ever blogged with my phone. I know, that makes me technologically lame. Who cares? Atleast I'm joining that world now!
I didn't even notice but.. I read Wuthering Heights for two and a half hours without interruption. How great is that? It never Happens.
Now, I'm off to read another Shakespeare play for my Shakespeare class. Amazing right? Then it is off to the library.. :) hope everyone has had a great day !!!!! I'm just enjoying
This is the first time I have ever blogged with my phone. I know, that makes me technologically lame. Who cares? Atleast I'm joining that world now!
I didn't even notice but.. I read Wuthering Heights for two and a half hours without interruption. How great is that? It never Happens.
Now, I'm off to read another Shakespeare play for my Shakespeare class. Amazing right? Then it is off to the library.. :) hope everyone has had a great day !!!!! I'm just enjoying
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I realize I'm not nineteen anymore but..
Hello lovies,
Last picture I wanted to post.
It has been awhile but I promise I shant neglect you anymore! :)
I have a zillion pictures to post and show you new, exciting things going on in my life. I cannot wait to do so!
I have a zillion pictures to post and show you new, exciting things going on in my life. I cannot wait to do so!
I would like to keep my blog title "Nineteen and Driven" to mark the year that I decided my life could go full force without regret. Without a loss of determination. Without spark and fire. And without forgetting that I'm here to set the world on fire.
SO, here goes nothin' :)
My momma got these for me for Christmas. I know it really has been awhile. But, listen. These were my favorite! I absolutely love them :)
I know, I know.
It really has been awhile, obviously if I'm posting pictures from Christmas-time. But I love my new camera Trey got me for Christmas. So buckle up. There are plenty of other fun pictures I HAVE to show you.
It really has been awhile, obviously if I'm posting pictures from Christmas-time. But I love my new camera Trey got me for Christmas. So buckle up. There are plenty of other fun pictures I HAVE to show you.
I'm gonna jump to another fun night with my daddy!
And this was a night daddy and I were following @wholefoods and made Cajun Talapia on brown rice! So yummy!
Okay, I feel guilty. I'm not posting as much as I wanted to. But you're getting a brief glance of the fun pictures I've been able to take. Well there to the left is a picture of the matching shoes Trey and I got. We were so excited!
Last picture I wanted to post.
Trey and I are terribly happy. We have shorter than 5 months until we get married and wedding plans are mixed in with out crazy schedules of church, school and work.
So from now on, when I want to post something I won't overwhelm everyone with pictures. Well, maybe I will.
Who really knows? I miss blogging. I love to write. Hello English major? I will keep updating because I miss it. And I miss breathing in my beautiful life. It goes by so fast. But I love you all!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Whisper hello, I missed you quite terribly.
Hey blogfriends!
So, it's been awhile.
Let me update you.
I graduated TBI. Yes, that's right. And happy to be home!
Overjoyed, actually. But I do miss TBI.
I worked ALL summer. Still working at the same place and it's great! Love my co-workers.
I'm back at Howard Payne. Woot Woot!!
Declared a major. A double major. English and Psychology. But those might change. Who knows?
I am now ENGAGED. mmhm. You heard right. September 12th ladies and gents! And I'm so proud of my Trey. Trey Valencia. That's right girls. I got me a good one!
Trey is every synonym for wonderful.
This is also my favorite picture of him. It's a little old. But, still my favorite. He's a wonderful man of God and I'm happiest knowing He's who God has for me!
And, if you were waiting.. or if not I was going to show you anyway..
This is our engagement day! September 12, 2010. WOW was I surprised!
He completely surprised me in front of our families and closest friends. I cried and so did a whole bunch of other people. But it was sweet!Right now I'm back at HPU, doing BSM (Baptist Student Ministries, the Evangelism team) and loving every second of it!
AND after everything else. I cut my hair. But I don't think I have a new picture for that right now. One soon! It's actually growing out. It's that awkward stage. But who cares I'm still blessed even if my hair isn't at the moment..
Anywho. I love you all. I hope this updates all my friends from a far, far away land!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
And my heart cries out Hosanna..
So today I spent time with a good friend Kristina who's a dorm over from me. We went to town to buy things for a collage only to find out we had everything we needed back on campus. So we decided to make ourselves feel better by buying ice cream. Mint chocolate chip for Kristina and Dutch chocolate for me.
Did we need it?
Yes! Okay. Maybe no. But, who cares?
So we bought the ice cream! HOORAY!
We sat on the sidewalk in front of both our dorms and ate our ice cream and talked. Then she sat with me while I made my collage for our Womanhood 101 class. How fun, right? RIGHT!
I missed Prayer Culture tonight but only to worship with my girls over in N9!! It was so nice to get lost in the spirit and be completely led by Him. Oh, how I love Him. Thank you John Mark McMillan for that song. I love Him!!
Got back to my room to get a word from my SA Sarah. She's beautiful. Apparently, God wanted me to know that I am too. He had scripture for me and I felt led to tell the world that man's opinion NO LONGER MATTERS! I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Hello. Fearfully. I fear God and through that fear I have for him, I've been given confidence and an inner beauty that I couldn't receive from anyone or get anywhere else. I'm praising Him for the word He laid on Sarah's heart and for her to be so in tune with Him! I needed to hear those words. Like honey dripping from unseen lips. His lips. How encouraged I felt a little less than 30 minutes ago. Encouraging words to fill my heart tonight.
A hopeful conversation with Sarah.
A helpful word to light my life.
A beautiful God to give it all.
How could I be Vicky without Him? Without Him, I am nothing. Please don't think you're anything without Him. You aren't. I'm not. We aren't. Without Him, I'm just natural. But like Mrs. Rachel says "God's super, we're natural and put us together we're SUPERNATURAL!" and Oh, how I love Him!!
To all of you girls who care about what man's opinion is. DON'T! Man's opinon doesn't get us anywhere. Fleshly beauty FADES. It doesn't last and it won't get us anywhere eternally. Gain a fear of God and your inner beauty will flourish and you'll have an abundance of confidence and you'll realize just how beautiful you are and how great HIS affections are for us. His affections are all that matter. No one elses.
I love you all! You're beautiful! I think so and so does HE! :)
Did we need it?
Yes! Okay. Maybe no. But, who cares?
So we bought the ice cream! HOORAY!
We sat on the sidewalk in front of both our dorms and ate our ice cream and talked. Then she sat with me while I made my collage for our Womanhood 101 class. How fun, right? RIGHT!
I missed Prayer Culture tonight but only to worship with my girls over in N9!! It was so nice to get lost in the spirit and be completely led by Him. Oh, how I love Him. Thank you John Mark McMillan for that song. I love Him!!
Got back to my room to get a word from my SA Sarah. She's beautiful. Apparently, God wanted me to know that I am too. He had scripture for me and I felt led to tell the world that man's opinion NO LONGER MATTERS! I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Hello. Fearfully. I fear God and through that fear I have for him, I've been given confidence and an inner beauty that I couldn't receive from anyone or get anywhere else. I'm praising Him for the word He laid on Sarah's heart and for her to be so in tune with Him! I needed to hear those words. Like honey dripping from unseen lips. His lips. How encouraged I felt a little less than 30 minutes ago. Encouraging words to fill my heart tonight.
A hopeful conversation with Sarah.
A helpful word to light my life.
A beautiful God to give it all.
How could I be Vicky without Him? Without Him, I am nothing. Please don't think you're anything without Him. You aren't. I'm not. We aren't. Without Him, I'm just natural. But like Mrs. Rachel says "God's super, we're natural and put us together we're SUPERNATURAL!" and Oh, how I love Him!!
To all of you girls who care about what man's opinion is. DON'T! Man's opinon doesn't get us anywhere. Fleshly beauty FADES. It doesn't last and it won't get us anywhere eternally. Gain a fear of God and your inner beauty will flourish and you'll have an abundance of confidence and you'll realize just how beautiful you are and how great HIS affections are for us. His affections are all that matter. No one elses.
I love you all! You're beautiful! I think so and so does HE! :)
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